The Sisters of Kyle Rittenhouse Are Faith And McKenzie Rittenhouse.
Faith Rittenhouse 23 years old and McKenzie Rittenhouse 18years old
The exact ages of Kyle Rittenhouse’s sisters, McKeinze and Faith, are unfortunately unavailable on the internet.
Faith, his blonde sister, is his older sister, while McKenzie, his brunette sister, is his younger sister.
And, as per Kyle, she is presently 18 years old, which renders Faith over 18 ad McKeinze under 18.
Wendy Rittenhouse, their mother, and Mike Rittenhouse, their father, were the parents of the three siblings.
There isn’t any single item of a news article published on the sisters.
The only relevant information accessible is their name and home address.
The case has gravely polarized America at the moment, and disclosing personal information about the relatives is not the right choice.
Personal Life of Faith Rittenhouse
Faith is fifteen years old, three years younger than Kyle, who was born in the year 2003. The Rittenhouse family stayed in Antioch, Illinois.
After the court declared him not guilty of all charges leveled against him, her brother’s murder trial raised a lot of questions. Despite strong legal representation on the plaintiff’s side and valid grounds, this happened. The verdict, according to several left-wing politicians, revealed a deep racial divide and systemic injustice. Furthermore, more Democrats thought the verdict was unjust, while more Republicans thought it was correct.
McKenzie Rittenhouse
Although there is not much information about McKenzie however, she is related to Kyle.